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General Terms of Use for Registered Users of the DERMASENCE Academy

Here you will find the General Terms of Use of our DERMASENCE Academy. These are updated regularly and apply in the current version as soon as you use our offers, even without express consent. The place of fulfilment and jurisdiction is Münster/Westf.

Profile and usage data is also collected, analysed and used in our offers - we explain how we protect your rights here in our Privacy Policy

With the DERMASENCE Academy, we offer pharmacists, doctors, MFAs and PTAs the opportunity to build up advisory and product knowledge about our products via Webinars, e-learning and the provision of published product information and to prove this via e-learning certificates.

Opening and protecting your user account

In order to gain access to the DERMASENCE Academy, it is necessary to open a user account. Personal data about you is stored in this user account (including name, address, company, e-learning certificates, webinar participations, etc.). To log in to the user account, you must enter the e-mail address you used to register and the password you assigned. Our password policy requires that you use a secure password, which must, among other things, consist of 8 digits. DERMASENCE Academy has taken technical and organisational measures to protect your data stored by DERMASENCE Academy. However, effective protection of your data is only possible if you keep your access data secure and protect it from unauthorised access by third parties. It is often the case that users assign the same password for different services. You should avoid this at all costs. Please check requests for personal data very carefully for authenticity, especially if you receive them by e-mail. The DERMASENCE Academy permanently checks whether any unauthorised log-ins are made to client accounts. If DERMASENCE Academy suspects that unauthorised access has taken place, DERMASENCE Academy will block the client account. In addition, DERMASENCE Academy may inform you if significant changes have been made to your client account (e.g. change of address details or e-mail address), so that you can check whether the change was made lawfully or by an unauthorised third party.

Copyright and intellectual property

All the contents of our offers are the intellectual property of Medicos Kosmetik GmbH & Co. KG. Content posted by third parties is also not freely usable, but is protected as intellectual property for the respective user or rights holder.

You may use our content posted on the website for private and educational purposes, but not for commercial purposes. However, content may not be altered under any circumstances; in particular, copyright notices or other references to the rights and/or property of third parties may not be removed.

For all other uses, our prior consent is required. Please contact us using the contact details in the imprint.

When we assume liability and warranty

There is no entitlement to use our offers. Maintenance work, technical failures or errors may mean that they are not available. Furthermore, despite all efforts, it cannot be ruled out one hundred percent that damage may occur through the use of the offers, for example if third parties attempt to misuse them to spread viruses or similar despite all security measures. For damages resulting from the use of the offers, we therefore generally assume no liability - also for our legal representatives, executive employees and vicarious agents - except in the case of intentional or grossly negligent actions (in the case of injury to life, body or health, we do not categorically exclude liability even for simple negligence).

We expressly assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, suitability and topicality as well as usefulness of the contents. These serve exclusively as general information. References, recommendations and information are non-binding. Any use of the contents offered is at the user's own risk.

As a matter of principle, we are not liable for third-party content that can be accessed via the offer - such as content of third-party websites that are referred to by links or that have been published by users on our website. It is neither possible nor intended to constantly check such external content; however, we naturally distance ourselves from all content that is relevant under criminal or liability law or that offends common decency. We will remove such content from our offers immediately upon notification at the latest.

How we handle your registration

When you register for our digital services, we store personal data such as your name, address, e-mail address, chosen user name and password in a user account. This enables us to register you and to provide you with the personal services of the DERMASENCE Academy, such as obtaining e-learning certificates, in a meaningful way in the first place.

When we delete your account at the DERMASENCE Academy, we also delete the data associated with the account.

Your usage authorisation after registration is only valid for you personally. It is not transferable. You must be at least 16 years old when registering. You must provide true, accurate and complete information and keep it up to date. You are responsible for choosing a suitable secure password and keeping it secret - please do everything possible and necessary to prevent misuse of your personal access to our offers. If this does occur, please inform us immediately so that we can block your user account or solve the problem in another way.

In some legally defined cases (from the purposes of criminal prosecution to the enforcement of intellectual property rights to the fight against terrorism, cf. § 14 para. 2 of the German Telemedia Act) as well as in the case of individual civil law claims (for example in the case of insults, cf. § 14 para. 3 of the German Telemedia Act), we may release your name and address if ordered to do so. For the purpose of rights protection and effective access protection, we may store IP addresses of registered users and disclose them - if available - in the context of such a disclosure.

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